Missional Movement

Jesus died to give us life, so we’ll lay down our lives and do whatever it takes to win DeKalb County to Christ, while impacting the world.

God has given us a mission and His presence and power to accomplish it:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20 ESV)

We are Determined to Win the Hearts of Dekalb County to Christ

We want to equip you to take your role in this mission. There is nothing more exciting and there is no place with more promise of spiritual growth and the very presence and power of the Spirit of God. We believe that sharing God’s story, God’s Gospel, with others is a high form of worship. We proclaim the goodness and glory of God to the people we meet.

  • The highest human flourishing and the very meaning of our lives is to live in loving relationship with our God, who created us.
  • We have all turned from, ignored, and lived in ways opposed to God.
  • God became man in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He lived the perfect life that none of us would live. He suffered and died on the cross as our substitute. He was punished so we wouldn’t have to be. Because of the cross, it’s as if we never sinned. Then, he rose from the dead, conquering the death we deserve and giving us new life today and eternal life forever with Him in heaven.
  • We confess that we are sinners, that we can never earn God’s love and acceptance, and we simply trust that God’s love on the cross is enough for us today and forever. God promises to change our hearts when we truly trust Him. Now, we are free to pursue the goodness of God in our lives, knowing He will never turn away from us and will love us with perfect love, acceptance and grace forever.

How can you join the mission and be better equipped to share Christ with the world?

  1. Invite Your One! [Image] Your first steps in this mission may be to invite someone to church with you.
  2. Get equipped! Contact our evangelism team at evangelism@cometofirst.com. They would love to help you develop your mission skills, and they have training events and more resources to help you.
  3. Participate in an outreach event! Listen for the next outreach events to be announced in church, or even better, be proactive and reach out to the evangelism team and be an early part of what’s coming next!

We are determined to Impact the World beyond Dekalb County

When you give to First Baptist, you are supporting a worldwide movement to take Christ to the ends of the earth!

You can also play an active role in getting to know, support, and pray for our missionaries. Check out this list of our supported missionaries and listen at church service for updates on their lives and missions. Also, listen for opportunities for short term mission trips and various ways you can support these believers who are taking Christ to every corner of the globe!

See a list of FBC Supported Missionaries

You can contact the Missions Committe at missions@cometofirst.com