Why Singing Matters
Seven Biblical Reasons Why Singing Matters (a summary of an article written by Tom Olson … for the full article, go to www.unlockingthebible.org) When we sing we obey … Colossians 3:16 “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom,...
People Watch Our Witness
Question: If a tree falls in the forest, and there’s no one around to hear it, does it make a sound? Many people believe that they are not being heard, nor do they think others value their life of faith. So why, bother? The truth is our witness, transmitted via...
No Fast Track in Christian Life
When God calls people to the ministry, the first thing they do is go to Bible school, and maybe, seminary to be trained. Jesus instructed us to make disciples of, “all Nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:20 (and...
Make a Difference With Your Life
I arrived in the United States, August 1966, as a young, 16 year-old teenager, leaving the war-torn country of Iraq to come to Aurora, Illinois. During the week before leaving, my father and uncle would grill me about how to conduct myself in a new country. They would...
What Makes You Angry?
In my life, I have seen country rebellions, family/friend feuds, and disagreements in businesses, organizations and churches, but I have not seen Christians be angry with each other in churches over politics to this level. Today in our country and our churches, we see...
Living a Life Worthy of the Gospel
We have heard the idiom “Boys will be boys.” It was first recorded in 1589. Girls also have an idiom (although not as well known) “Girly girl.” We all have acted and do act worldly from time to time. There was a saying 40-50 years ago,...
Working for the Man
COLOSSIANS 3:22-24 Someone said, “Love what you do, and you will never work a day in your life.” There are times when we are trapped in an unpleasant job, and it’s like a death with a thousand cuts. Today many are working from home. There...