No one who remains in Him sins continually; no one who sins continually has seen Him or knows Him… No one who has been born of God practices sin, because His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin continually, because he has been born of God. – 1 John 3:6 & 9 NASB
I read this Biblical passage tonight during my alone time with God. It was brought to light for me. If I’m honest, I practice sinning every day. I practice over and over being unjustly angry, irritable, disrespectful and unloving to my husband. I’m sure there are other areas of disobedience in life but this is the most prevalent. I claim Christ as my savior but I am living like I don’t know Him at all. In fact, the Bible is basically saying I don’t. I willingly and knowingly sin continually and that shows no evidence of knowing or seeing my God. Now, I believe I am a Christian sealed with the blood of Christ destined for heaven but there is a roadblock to me experiencing the deeper things of God right now in these moments because of my lack of care for His calling on my life. His seed is in me and today He has watered it. He has opened my eyes to my waywardness. I am born of God and today He has reminded me what He paid for and how I am called to honor Him in all purity. Perfection was and is not attainable for anyone on the earth except for the God man Jesus Christ who lived sinless and blameless, died the perfect sacrifice and rose again. But God calls us to repentance; to radical change by the power of Holy Spirit and to remain in Him so as to be moved to a place of refining for His glory. So if you are a Christian, please pray for me to submit to God in breaking sinful strongholds I have let have authority in my life. I want to draw nearer to sweet Jesus.
Hannah, thank you so much for sharing this beautiful reflection on God’s Word with our church family! The example of your heart passionately pursuing Jesus with great humility brings the passage to a new life. Praying for you and for all of us who seek to follow the high call of Christ through the kind of radical heart change you wrote about!