Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

First Baptist Church 530 W State St, Sycamore, IL, United States

Join us for a candlelight service on Christmas Eve with neighbors, friends and family! We'll sing carols, hear testimonies and worship God. Encourage your neighbors, family, and friends to attend!

5th Sunday Hymn Sing

First Baptist Church 530 W State St, Sycamore, IL, United States

Join us in the gym to sing hymns and carols. All are welcome!

Chili Cook Off

First Baptist Church 530 W State St, Sycamore, IL, United States

The Annual Chili Cook-Off is held each year to raise awareness of our church's work on the mission field! Everyone is invited to this FREE event. Love offerings go to support our short-term missions programs. For planning purposes please sign up! Please indicate if you plan to enter a chili or soup AND/OR If you […]

Hymn Sing

First Baptist Church 530 W State St, Sycamore, IL, United States

Join us in the gym for a time of singing hymns. All are welcome!