Men’s Getaway

Walcamp Outdoor Ministries and Retreat Center 32653 E Five Points Rd, Kingston, IL

A full day for all men of FBC at Walcamp in Kingston, IL. Cost $40 (includes t-shirt, lunch, etc.) Please register on the Church Center app. REGISTER Payment may be made on the day of the event by cash or check.

Soup & A Story

SOUP & A STORY - Friday September 20 - 6:00-8:00pm  You can sign up to host women for a meal or simply attend. Your hostess will provide soup as you gather around the table with other women from FBC to share stories and fellowship.  Here are three story-starter questions we’re asking people to consider: When has […]

Trunk or Treat

First Baptist Church 530 W State St, Sycamore, IL, United States

Trunk or Treat is an annual event where FBC provides a trick or treating opportunity for neighborhood children, as well as a place where the gospel can be shared. FBC is looking for trunks for our Trunk or Treat outreach to the community!  Please let us know if you can provide a trunk (or two!) […]

We Care November – Christmas Care Fest

First Baptist Church 530 W State St, Sycamore, IL, United States

This is an opportunity to help families being cared for by the We Care Pregnancy Clinic.  The Change for Life Campaign provides funds to the clinic to provide services to the families. The Christmas Care Fest allows you to purchase Christmas gifts for deserving families at We Care. Simply select a name from the tree […]