Kids | NurseryKIDS CHURCH
Kids Church takes place during the 10:30 Sunday service and is designed for children in Ages 4 thru 5th grade. The children begin by joining with the church family in the praise portion of the service. They will be dismissed prior to the message to the Kids Church room, but are also welcome to remain in the sanctuary with their parents. At Kids Church, the children engage in Bible stories, videos, crafts, and games that bring home the Bible Point of the week.
Little ones are precious to us! We believe that even the very youngest child can learn to love God, whether in the welcoming arms of a volunteer or building blocks, playing kitchen, and interacting with a Bible story.
For newborn to 18 months … although your baby is always welcome to join us in the sanctuary, we are also happy to offer our baby nursery. The Baby Nursery has books and toys for babies, cribs, and is stocked with a changing pad, diapers and other essentials. For newborns to 18 months … We believe that even the very youngest child can learn to love God, whether in the welcoming arms of a volunteer or building blocks, playing kitchen, and interacting with a Bible story.
For newborn to 18 months … although your baby is always welcome to join us in the sanctuary, we are also happy to offer our Family Room for those times when you need to calm a crying child or you’d like a quiet place to feed your child. The Family Room has books and toys for babies, cribs, and is stocked with a changing pad, diapers and other essentials.

The Awana program focuses on helping kids know, love and serve Jesus. Awana is for children ages 4 years through 5th grade. For the Awana schedule, click here.